
#DontStopTheEducation - Etätuotannot, äänitys ja miksaus


Helsinki/Wedemark, July 10, 2020 – Remote recording, mixing and production have been a part of the creation of music for a long time. But with the travel restrictions brought by Covid-19, new opportunities and the need for these services now become more evident. On July 14 at 17:00 Berlin time, hosts Andy Egerton and Tim Moore welcome five musicians and engineers to a round-table discussion, where the panel will share how they collaborate with clients to create music remotely. The hosts and panellists in this live seminar will be happy to answer your questions.

Keio Stroud (Drummer for Big and Rich), Luke Moller (String Musician and Producer), Hubert Payne (Drummer for Little Big Town), Johnny Hiland (Guitar Artist, Session Player) and Kenny Thurman (Engineer – Phil Vassar) will discuss how they initially become involved in projects of this nature, describe the challenges and their approach to recording and delivering their parts for each production.

Live Round Table
Remote production, recording and mixing
July 14, 17:00 Berlin, 16:00 London, 11:00 New York, 8:00 Los Angeles
Please register at

The panellists of the live round table on remote production, recording and mixing: Keio Stroud, Luke Moller, Hubert Payne, Johnny Hiland and Kenny Thurman (from left to right)
The panellists of the live round table on remote production, recording and mixing: Keio Stroud, Luke Moller, Hubert Payne, Johnny Hiland and Kenny Thurman (from left to right)


For your social media channels
Join Sennheiser’s live round-table discussion on remote production, recording and mixing on July 14 at 17:00 Berlin time (11:00 New York time). #Don’tStopTheEducation


Please visit for a full, up-to-date list and to register free of charge for a SoundAcademy seminar of your choice. The free training sessions are often offered at several different times to allow as many people from around the globe to tune in as possible.



DontStopTheEducation_Round Table.pdf

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Sennheiser-brändi lyhyesti

Äänentoisto on intohimomme. Toimintaamme ohjaa halu luoda äänentoistoratkaisuja, joilla on vaikutusta ihmisten elämään. Sennheiser-brändi on sitoutunut rakentamaan äänentoiston tulevaisuutta ja tarjoamaan asiakkailleen erinomaisia äänentoistokokemuksia jo yli 75 vuoden ajan. Ammattilaistason äänentoistoratkaisut, kuten mikrofonit, neuvottelujärjestelmät, suoratoistoteknologiat ja korvamonitorijärjestelmät, ovat osa Sennheiser electronic SE & Co. KG:n liiketoimintaa. Sonova Holding AG puolestaan vastaa kuluttajille suunnatuista laitteista, kuten kuulokkeista, soundbar-kaiuttimista ja puhetta selkeyttävistä kuulolaitteista, Sennheiserin myöntämällä lisenssillä.